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onsdag den 17. november 2010

Bowling for Columbine

Here's the five things:

1) I liked that Michael Moore faced Charlston Heston with the truth.

2) I think it was very interresting with all those stories about the school shootings in USA. 

3) It was a good way Michael Moore told about the bad things in USA, eg all the terrorisme-stories. 

4) I think it was good that way Michael Moore showed that he didn't like the gun law, and in irony  made a acount in a bank, where he received a free gun.

5) I liked that Michael Moore helped two victims from Columbine, by getting the weapon company 'K-mark' to stop their sale of weapons and bullets.  

mandag den 15. november 2010

Engelsk ordstilling:

Her er noget om ordstilling på engelsk, jeg er ikke helt sikker på om jeg har forstået det rigtigt...

Man skal for det første huske at der, ALTID er ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk. Og på engelsk skal biordsled også stå først, eller sidst i en sætning, aldrig midt i.

Andet har jeg ikke..)-:

torsdag den 11. november 2010

5 facts about the movie 'Bowling for Columbine'

Here's the facts:
1) About 11.000 people is killed by a gun, every year in USA.

2) USA have the record for the school shooting with the youngest boy as the shooter.

3) The school shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold played bowling the morning before they did the massacre at Columbine.

4) It's creepy how good you can see the shooters on the cameras.

5) I wondered about that Canada is so much safer than USA, and how much the media in USA  is scaring the people. 

onsdag den 10. november 2010

School shootings:

A school shooting is when someone, maybe a previous student, or a complete stranger, walk into a school and shoots around. It had happens alot of times i USA, and not so many times in europe. There actually were a school shooting i Denmark in April 1994. A male student kill two fellow students on Aarhus Universitet, before he comments suicide. Most of the times the shooter kills himself afterwards, maybe because he feels shame.
I think School shooting is a very scary thing, and i will not hope it happens to our school.